From Your Pastor-May 2021

Dear Parishioners

Today we celebrate the Pentecost Sunday, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Church. As we celebrate this Solemnity, it seems appropriate to recall a passage from the Acts of the Apostles. “And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different tongues, as the Spirit enabled them to proclaim. Now there were devout Jews from every nation under heaven staying in Jerusalem. At this sound, they gathered in a large crowd, but they were confused because each one heard them speaking in his own language.” (Acts 2: 4-6)

The Holy Spirit enable us to hear what is necessary for our salvation, but in last few days I have experienced that people “heard” what ever fit their ears and their lifestyle. We are heading towards reducing restrictions during our liturgies, but we are not there yet. For over a year we have been bounced around by COVID-19 pandemic like a can of club soda. The last thing that we should do is to open our lives (the can) too quickly and it can “explode” into our face. Therefore, please, be patient with us as we are waiting for directives from the Diocese. Restriction are to cease on June 2nd and not on May 15th, so let’s continue our journey of faith and carry our crosses of restrictions for a few more weeks or days. You have done a wonderful job and we have been able to worship together since last Pentecost due to your commitment to safety and protections of “thy neighbor”. Thank you very much.

Great thank you goes to Fr. Joseph from Nigeria who showed us how the needs of the Church go beyond our parish. His witness to the Gospel is a great inspiration for all of us. Through your generosity we are able to send to his diocese over $7,000. Thank you for your generosity and let’s keep Fr. Joseph and the Church in Nigeria in our prayers.

We are heading towards a new chapter in our lives and in the life of the Church. As we are taking proper steps to worship together with limited or no restrictions, may the Holy Spirit guide us so we can be responsible and respectful in our actions and decisions. We still have many people who are not vaccinated or too afraid to be in close proximity with other. Let’s show our love and support for one another.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, pray for us.

Have a blessed day

Fr. Martin


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